Dangerous and Hottest in Bangkok

You ever been in Bangkok ? Yes ! But there are changed some things here that is quite impressive and even for a European European quit interesting.
I will note some interesting shopping Zones that give you the feeling you are in Hong Kong or you arrived from a underdeveloped country like Romania or Albania even when you come from Germany Austria or England.
My Travel spouse Joe and I went to Bangkok Shopping Center for Mobiles called “MBK” you can reach this by Air train very easy and you will never see more mobile shops in your live then there. Absolutely every kind of mobile I-pod PSP or any add on you can even not imagine is there by many many little shops.From used to brand new and even instant repair is on the same place.
Just to give you a little time advice after 2 short cigarette brakes outside in the smoker area parkhaus,we ask for the time and realise that we stay for about 7 hours mostly only on one floor of this Mobile Model.Iam ben too at the Mobile World Congress Feri in Barcelona here i have seen more interesting stuff .
How to reach it : with the Air Train to the last Station “Stadium

2nd but even hotter is the “PANTIP” a mole for Computer Stuff 5 Floors packed like a big exhibition hall if you don’t have a tight time-window you will get lost there .Many small little shops like in a Arabic bazaar only the product is different. Instead of fruits and vegetables you get all what a mobile new world would need or would have fun too use it.
How you reach it from Khao San road its about 15 min with taxi so a 70 Bat ride.

Weekend Market
3d absolute must is the Weekend market ,every taxi or Tuck Tuck driver can bring you there take the chance to stay at least one weekend day in Bangkok this is the Haven for every woman clothes more than you can wear for a hole live if you would change every day and one nicer than the other ,not this tourist cheep stuff real Jung Designers sell there their creations and you easily find for every test something nice. If you take your wife there don’t forget to take a lot of money with you. And send them with a packet to your country .Packets to Europe via Ship 25kg are very cheep about 30$ and they take 2 month to arrive so in time for the summer ;-).
Weekend MArket

Hot and Cool Night Bangkok
Not easy as the Asian work the hole day if you want Party ,even in the tourist places most will close at 12pm .So be prepared to have a good book or some Mp3 to listen. Night Live is quite underdeveloped in this country.
Coolest rated club is the Bed Club in Bangkok quite expensive with 700 but entry fee and a little bit snobbish but nice Design in with with mostly beds to sit on .You can eat and dance there.
Beds club Bangkok

Author Amir Esmann

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16 years ago

Ich fange an zum sparen f?r
Eink?ufe in Bankok.
Happy travel!

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