I feel this is a wonderful light
Cardinal Franz König I FILMFACORY
Individual Camera Gear & Equipment for your shooting abroad for global crews
The Camera Department, founded in April 2002, it's a professional video film production company based in Austria Vienna with many Awarded Director of Photography, Cinematographer, and Cameraman. Serving Camera Crews for high-quality Productions who need a local video crew, for Pre-production, corporate videos, camera teams, film crews, camera operators, local fixers, assistants and video editing. The Camera Department provides the quality local media resources for TV projects as well for corporate media productions with awarded camera crews around the world in 25 countries. We save our clients time hassle and money, expert management paired with excellence crews make us the one-stop service for your global media production. Our Head office is based in Vienna were we working with English speaking crew in Austria and for our global shootings. Full of passion and dedication for our international clients.
Learn how to prepare a Live stream template, with this demo's tutorial.
Learn how to customize the logo for Facebook Live, with the Live Logo Editing tutorial.
Explore even more with a range of specific Live-based Tutorials, such as Content setup.
The Camera Department has been developing its Partner Social Media Channels based on Clients request and distributors. Our Digital Department Metaprime Studio developed custom and unique tools for Advertiser and Media People. This is an ongoing campaign work which will get better the more active partner join the network presenting their region country or city and develop new distribution channels in new places.
Camera Crews
New Media & Broadcasting Services
I feel this is a wonderful light
Cardinal Franz König I FILMFACORY
I never had on my big feature films sets film crews working efficient and fast as this one does
Peter Patzak I Director
It looks like David Lynch - on shooting for a music video in Tirol Austria
Oliver Rubenthaler I ORF
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look change too.
Erfolg ist von wahrem Wert, wenn er auch anderen hilft
Thank you for Klaus. It was a real pleasure working with him. I have rarely worked with such an enthusiastic sound recordist. He was terrific with the lighting and very willing to do everything required. Many many thanks
CBC I Canada
Hab mir grad eigentlich ganz langweilige Bilder vom Flughafen anschauen wollen,leider nicht möglich, selbst total langweilige Bilder sehen bei ihm einfach SUPER aus.
Ich habe bis heute mit keinem besseren Kameramann gedreht !!!
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