Its my second night behind the twitter screen waching #iranelections and the starting #iranrevolution .No need to turn on any news TV channel like CNN #cnnfail or others .About hundreds and more Iranian using Twitter Facebook and you tube too publish what going right now in Iran .This short blog post i just post to have my moniter running the 10 most important Tweeters from Tehran (Tehran) as my Tweet deck cant monitor that much hash-tags.
Many Blogs post incredible pictures how the People fighting against the vote fraud in Iran and the riots in Tehran and other cities.Just to mention going on street in Iran is much more danger than going on street in a western country when they catch you you can imagine what happens to them in the jail if ever be seen alive again.But still the people show how the young Iran changed and want to change.
Even the Blocked Internet connections get overrun by foreign proxies tweeters so fast that the government who close most Internet services to Web2.0 Services they cant turn them all down. Hackers attacking Iranian government site to block there activities too.What hurt mostly again the activists so pleas don’t.
My recommendation is to re tweet even older posts of the day to keep the Iranelection stream up .New tweets will be not bevor next morning .They need some sleep after this harsh day too, its about 2.00 clock morning in tehran now.
Supporter of the new Iran color their Profile pix in facebook and tweeter Green to show their support for liberal Hossein Mussawi.
Pleas follow direct the massiv Iran tweets and Retweet them:
@Mirriaam @iranbaan ,@persiankiwi , @TehranBureau ,@tllanes,@StopAhmadi,@iranelection09 ,@farzad83ir ,@lotfan ,Mousavi1388
What people are saying about iran election right now on Twitter:
Pictures :
Hashtags :#AzIran #iranelection #Iranrevolution #iran #Tehran #FreeIran
PPS: peoepl get diapointet becaouse Twitter anounce a Maintanace tonight bad Time Twitter #twitterfail