How to make a Youtube Video more succesfull

This sweet song remembers i played several time after i found them the guy who make it as a tribute to Vienna Billy Joel found it after a deeper digg into keywords for videos on YouTube.

Its really hard to gain some video related keywords like Vienna as i searched throw there are many artist more popular than the City Vienna . What cross me  all time on Twitter Facebook ,My space  or even on Second life is “Vienna Teng” a lolvy artist i never hear before but she is dominating the Internet incredible hard.

Hiden Youtube Secrets

YouTube invent the suggestion on the search what is mostly the same like the google suggestion tool .With a little search string you can find how many relevant hits are on your topic .

Tray this string q= is what you are searching for

Most professional TV Cameraman get very view exposure on there Show reel mostly not more than some hundred if there are good ,they forget that a search engine cant see the quality of a video only the keywords .If no one see it you even will get no comments or votes so its like complete useless to post it on YouTube . Some think that its fine just to post on you tube and let it run .

What i want to suggest is make your homework and look a bit deeper about competitors and your special niche where your want to place your video .Many Internet companies offer YouTube Videos too for there clients but when you look at there views 15 or 20 its just money for nothing don’t blame them or yourself .

2 topics i look closer today was the very popular Hausverlosung its a kind of lottery for getting a haus with 100.-€ they build up web pages Facebookgroups to make the marketing .Who successfully are they ? They need to sell a lot of tickets about 10000 and more . they tray to use YouTube videos to embed them on their websites .But the Stats of the Video show the truth . about 3000 visits from the main Page is much to less .

Facebook Groups with less than 100 members one with 300 still not what you need .

The Second was a Company looking for Video Journalist and Videoproducer  just take a look by yourself one of Europe leading Web company how they Advert .

How to monitor your Brand via Youtube Comment

youtube inventeded a new comment search .With that tools you can see what peopel talk on youtube about your Brands or topics.

Youtube Comment Search

Author Amir Esmann

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